Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Here's my latest piece, "Tigger."
This "happy go lucky" fellow started out on the band saw.
I'll let you know right up front, I coped out a little more than I should have. Notice "Tigger's" tail extending from his left arm? Look between his left knee and left paw...no tail!
That came to haunt me right from the start.
Now I've got to make his tail go straight up his back! Grrrrr!

He works up relatively quickly.
I decide on a the shape of his tail and position it (for strength) against his upper back.
He's looking pretty good, but...
His tail just ain't right! There's something about it. I run him by my wife and she politely tells me he looks more like a monkey. That did it! It's gotta go.
It's time for a little "surgery."

"Off with the tail!"
This time I'm going to make the tail as it is intended.
After some gluing and sanding "Tigger" is back on track.
Even "Tigger" looks happier!
Now to "finish" him off, it's time for some paint...
"Tigger" is the favorite Disney character of a friend who has a special place in his heart and home for him.

"Bouncing is what Tiggers do best."