Thursday, April 19, 2012


"Baloo the Bear" was fun to carve. The "roly-poly" shape of this lovable bear fits his character.
Thanks to "Baloo" I found out just how long a cheep band saw blade's teeth keep an edge. The blade dulled up after a handful of pieces. It's time to cough up the $$$ for a quality blade.
However, with perseverance and easing the piece against the blade I was able to complete all  the coping he needed.
This cuddly fellow never gave me any problems
Even though I realized he needed tufts of fur, for some reason I just pressed on and figured I do something later in the carving.

Well, I just kept on working... until I realized I didn't leave any wood for the "fur features!"
Now what?
He needs something on his head and back and maybe just a little something on his elbows.
Let's see, glue chunks of wood on those areas and reduce them. Naw, that didn't work. Hmmmmm,
slices of shaved wood chips? Maybe! He really needs something.
I know, toothpicks! (At least the fur on his head.)

He needs something on he upper back area. Let's try some wood shavings.
For his elbows, I simply reduced the thickness of his forearms.

I like it!

Now for the finishing touch....... color!