Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Dancin' Baloo"

Baloo just can't resist moving to good music! When selecting a photo to carve I try to "fit" the character to the carving recipient. In Baloo's case, the photo I picked is the one most seen with his friend "Mowgli" sitting Baloo's shoulder. When sketching Baloo onto the Tupelo wood I noticed that with "Mowgli" missing from his shoulder, Baloo appears to be in a dance move position. Hence, "Dancin' Baloo!"

Time to bring "Baloo" to life...
Remove some wood here and there...
OK, now don't remove too much!
Time to perform a little "surgery" to make some space between his left arm and body.
Don't fret, I just need a little space with the knife to open things up a little.
That does it!
Let's give him a base and some color....
OK Baloo, make some moves!
As Baloo says, "Beautiful! That's real Jungle Harmony!"