Saturday, June 22, 2013

"The Cheshire Cat"

"The Cheshire Cat" was a fun carving! Given his rounded body with few details he worked up quickly. Hid head and face took most of the time. This carving is another learning/turning point in my carving. I've been sealing my carvings with a Michael's brand water based wood sealer. Recently, I began carving Tupelo wood, and I've notice much more grain swelling using this wood sealer. I've read many suggestions on the Woodcarving Illustrated Forum about sealing wood prior to adding the finish to a piece but just continued dealing with more texture in my finished carvings.... until "The Cheshire Cat!" (I'm also getting fussier about the final appearance of my carvings.)  I spent a good deal of time smoothing this carving only to notice much more roughness than I'd like in the finished piece. "The Cheshire Cat" made me rethink how I prepare my carvings for finishing. From now on its MinWax Polycrylic as a sealer!

The finish coat on "The Cheshire Cat" is Poly and that helped "hide" some of the unintended texture.
I hope you like "The Cheshire Cat."

"The Cheshire Cat" is another surprise gift to a friend and as always I start out with a photo (or two), a Tupelo wood blank, some pencil scratching and a brief stint on the band saw.

Then, it's time to get serious, a "Cheshire Cat" can be very impatient!

Don't let that smile get the better of you. He can be somewhat devious. 

The fun is over, (actually the real fun of a carving begins) its time to bring him "to life!"


Oh, and yes, his teeth glow in the dark

Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Dancin' Baloo"

Baloo just can't resist moving to good music! When selecting a photo to carve I try to "fit" the character to the carving recipient. In Baloo's case, the photo I picked is the one most seen with his friend "Mowgli" sitting Baloo's shoulder. When sketching Baloo onto the Tupelo wood I noticed that with "Mowgli" missing from his shoulder, Baloo appears to be in a dance move position. Hence, "Dancin' Baloo!"

Time to bring "Baloo" to life...
Remove some wood here and there...
OK, now don't remove too much!
Time to perform a little "surgery" to make some space between his left arm and body.
Don't fret, I just need a little space with the knife to open things up a little.
That does it!
Let's give him a base and some color....
OK Baloo, make some moves!
As Baloo says, "Beautiful! That's real Jungle Harmony!"